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Find all the hidden objects in Barcelona
Find all the hidden objects in Barcelona

Barcelona Hidden Objects

Find all the hidden objects in Barcelona

This game can be installed to your desktop for easy access

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About Barcelona Hidden Objects

Find all the hidden objects in Barcelona

Discover the City of Barcelona in this Hidden Object game. Click/tap on the hidden letters, numbers, and objects.

The Barcelona Hidden Objects game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

Game Publisher: Zygomatic

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Discussion Forum

Leila Leila

objects are too small, hard to find faceplant

Brigitte69 Brigitte69

en effet pas facile ce jeu !!! bravooooo !!!

4vrCute 4vrCute

Eh, you really need good small vision to find the numbers and letters hidden in this puzzle. Plus there's limited hints. You can zoom in but that doesn't really help much. Not as good as the Mystery hidden puzzles. ohmy You can turn off the music and still hear the sound effects.