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The image features the title Battalion Commander alongside cartoon-style soldiers armed with weapons, camouflaged among green foliage, with a desert-like background and a skull in the foreground

Battalion Commander

Get armed to the teeth and fight your way through the enemy territory

You’ll need the help from your fellow soldiers trapped by the foe, ton of upgrades and mighty skills to survive.

The Battalion Commander game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

Game Publisher: GamePix

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Ratings and Reviews

Kenji T
Kenji T


Lead the Charge with Battalion Commander


The moment you enter the world of Battalion Commander, your heart races that little bit faster as you rally to rally the troops and take the fight straight through enemy lines. You’ll require assist from your fellow soldiers ensnared by the enemy, an abundance of upgrades, and strong abilities to survive. And it all rings with such undeniable punctuated fun, as you’re kitting up to the teeth and navigating the dangerous terrain, rescuing pals to strengthen your ranks and equipping yourself to slaughter foes with an expanding arsenal.

The smooth balance of strategy and sharp-shooting action in the game falls between two extremes of casual gamers looking for something funny but not easy. It’s especially gratifying as each run feels different, thanks to new power-ups and reinforcements that will change your strategy on the chaos at the front line. I stumble across comments on the lines of 'awesome game' reverberating in gamer realms reassuring its addictiveness. While its simple mechanics lay the foundation, equipment upgrades provide a whole new layer of depth that is always welcome. To be sure, your opening mission may culminate in a comical failure, but that’s only the beginning of a commanding odyssey. Battalion Commander has a terrific gameplay loop that keeps you addicted, each raid feeling more massive than the last.

Review 278 - Battalion Commander

Number of votes: 4