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A woman in a red dress is running on a colorful platform while holding dumbbells, with a large hamburger in the foreground, symbolizing a fun and engaging fitness challenge
A woman in a red dress is running on a colorful platform while holding dumbbells, with a large hamburger in the foreground, symbolizing a fun and engaging fitness challenge

Body Race

A woman in a red dress is running on a colorful platform while holding dumbbells, with a large hamburger in the foreground, symbolizing a fun and engaging fitness challenge

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Recently Played full screen mode
About Body Race

There is no fixed standard for beauty, and fatness and thinness do not determine beauty

But health has standards. For a better life, people need to control their diet. Eat more healthy food and stay away from fast food and don't forget to exercise a reasonable amount. Maintain a proper weight for your health!

Game Publisher: GameDistribution

Gameplay Video

Ratings and Reviews



Embark on a Quirky Fitness Journey with Body Race


The experience of taking over running Body Race has been in its own right higgledy-piggledy. The game has a simple premise: There is no standard for beauty, reinforcing the idea that people are not beautiful simply by being fat, thin or any other size for that matter. The neon-undulating game features colourful speeds, where you pick up salads and duck burgers, and it made me 'think' about so much, combining health, standards with satirical gameplay—ah yes eat healthily, exercise, but you also run down hse in a pair of heels towards a fashion target.

The character’s evolution, as advertised, responded colorfully to my choices, which gives the otherwise simple gameplay a strategic element. While many user comments suggest such a message could be misconstrued, I view the central idea as one of balance and self-acceptance that’s unpacked here in a fanciful, large-magnitude style. If you’re game for a race that is more about the metaphorical journey than the destination, check out Body Race. The game seems to be telling us that we’re what we eat — but lettuce run the world.

Review 327 - Body Race