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The image features the title Cube Crash in large, bold orange letters with colorful, translucent square blocks in the background
The image features the title Cube Crash in large, bold orange letters with colorful, translucent square blocks in the background

Cube Crash

The image features the title Cube Crash in large, bold orange letters with colorful, translucent square blocks in the background

This game can be installed to your desktop for easy access

Recently Played full screen mode
About Cube Crash

Clear the required number of blocks

Clear the specified number of cubes by matching three or more cubes of the same color in this fun puzzle game!

Click on end game/submit score to add your score to the leaderboard.

The Cube Crash game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

Game Publisher: Zygomatic

Gameplay Video

Discussion Forum

ewowens59 ewowens59

This game is not easy if you don't know what your doing! & yes I read the game instructions! LOL smile


Number of votes: 8