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Feed the correct sum of sushi to solve equations!
Feed the correct sum of sushi to solve equations!

Feed Math

Feed the correct sum of sushi to solve equations!

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About Feed Math

Feed the correct sum of sushi to solve equations!

The boy in the game wants to eat a lot, but he can only eat when you answer questions correctly. You need to select 2 numbers that add up and get the answer written on the tummy.

The Feed Math game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

Discussion Forum

Donald Donald

repetitive and not very challenging . faceplant

bradley61 bradley61

i had the same problem with game ,,it very difficult to understand

4vrCute 4vrCute

I don't understand this game. It says 9+5=14 then I'm supposed to choose small numbers on the conveyor belt that add up to 500? Yet there's no higher number than 9. So 9x5 = 45 & 9x6=54 and 9+491=500. zip