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A colorful graphic for a geography quiz, featuring a stylized world map in white against a blue background, with the words GEOGRAPHY QUIZ prominently displayed in bold yellow and orange letters
A colorful graphic for a geography quiz, featuring a stylized world map in white against a blue background, with the words GEOGRAPHY QUIZ prominently displayed in bold yellow and orange letters

Geography Quiz

A colorful graphic for a geography quiz, featuring a stylized world map in white against a blue background, with the words GEOGRAPHY QUIZ prominently displayed in bold yellow and orange letters

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About Geography Quiz

How well do you know your geography and your flags?

Geography trivia. Flags, countries' capitals, world map quizzes, famous landmarks around the world, and foreign currency. Test your geography knowledge and learn new facts about the countries and continents. The best educational and intellectual geography quiz.

Game Publisher: GamePix

Discussion Forum

calamar2000 calamar2000

Dommage en anglais seulement ! sad sad