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A colorful arrangement of childrens toys, including a teddy bear, stacking rings, and wooden blocks, set against a bright blue background with the text Hidden Toys prominently displayed
A colorful arrangement of childrens toys, including a teddy bear, stacking rings, and wooden blocks, set against a bright blue background with the text Hidden Toys prominently displayed

Hidden Toys

A colorful arrangement of childrens toys, including a teddy bear, stacking rings, and wooden blocks, set against a bright blue background with the text Hidden Toys prominently displayed

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About Hidden Toys

Find all the hidden numbers and letters in this game

Search and find all the numbers and letters hidden between the toys. Click when you did find a number or letter.

Click on submit score to add your score to the leaderboard.

The Hidden Toys game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

Game Publisher: Zygomatic

Discussion Forum

4vrCute 4vrCute

Its ok - only letters and numbers, no objects. Also the music & sound are separate. dry


Number of votes: 5