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The image features two cartoon female characters in vibrant costumes, set against a backdrop of colorful gems and a lush green landscape, with the text Jewels Blitz Challenge prominently displayed in the center
The image features two cartoon female characters in vibrant costumes, set against a backdrop of colorful gems and a lush green landscape, with the text Jewels Blitz Challenge prominently displayed in the center

Jewels Blitz Challenge

The image features two cartoon female characters in vibrant costumes, set against a backdrop of colorful gems and a lush green landscape, with the text Jewels Blitz Challenge prominently displayed in the center

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About Jewels Blitz Challenge

This game is a fairly standard puzzle matching game with jewels

You have to match the different jewels together to clear the board and gain points. It will come up with your score at the end of each round and you can submit your name to log your score. You have exactly a minute to make as many points as you can. The game also has a pointer hand that guides you if you are lost on what to do. The jewel types include pink and square gems, green ones, blue, red, and orange. The goal is to match the types together in clumps or sideways and up and down. There's a marker on one side that also tells you what your bonus multiplier is at the moment. In the top left corner, you can see how you are doing for speed as well. The more often you find combinations quickly and in a row, the more your speed bar will go up. There are also power-ups like glowing arrows that if you pull over to one side will clear an entire row. In order to get the best score, you need to be able to look at the whole board and find the jewels you can pull to one side to complete patterns over and over again, one after the other, while keeping an eye out for power-ups. You get a minute each time, and it's easy to start over by hitting the appropriate play again button.

The Jewels Blitz Challenge game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

Game Publisher: GameDistribution

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I had so much fun playing Jewels Blitz Challenge - it really got my heart racing trying to match those colorful gems before time runs out. If you want more matching action, check out the latest Jewels Blitz sequel with its cool Mayan temple theme. For a different take on gem matching, Jewel Jive brings a fresh seaside vibe to the genre. True puzzle fans should definitely browse through our complete collection of Bejeweled-style games for more sparkling challenges.

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Aneira Aneira

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