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A dynamic rugby scene featuring muddy players in action, with an incomplete puzzle piece highlighting a players leg being tackled in a muddy field
A dynamic rugby scene featuring muddy players in action, with an incomplete puzzle piece highlighting a players leg being tackled in a muddy field

Jigsaw Jam: Recreation

A dynamic rugby scene featuring muddy players in action, with an incomplete puzzle piece highlighting a players leg being tackled in a muddy field

This game can be installed to your desktop for easy access

Recently Played full screen mode
About Jigsaw Jam: Recreation

You manage to complete all the puzzles

Drag the jigsaw puzzle pieces to assemble the image. Successfully complete all the puzzles to finish the challenge!

Click on end game/submit score to add your score to the leaderboard.

The Jigsaw Jam: Recreation game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

Discussion Forum

bradley61 bradley61

this a good game if you like jigsaws ,,i recommend it


Number of votes: 3