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Knife Shooter

How long can you keep up with all of these moving targets?

Can you hit each one of the bullseyes? If you miss a single target, it’ll be game over in this intense action game.

Game Publisher: GameDistribution

Ratings and Reviews

Maria G
Maria G


Knife Shooter: A Test of Precision and Patience


Having played around with Knife Shooter, on Play123, a little bit myself, I can certainly relate to the finger-slips and glory bulls eye experience a fair amount of times. Adopting the intense pace of an action game, a single missed bullseye can spell disaster and end your streak, rendering this hollered hurl into a sweet waltz on the razor’s edge between win and lose.

Each level had me on the edge of my seat, trying to keep up with where the targets were moving and the pressure was tangible so I could feel it in my chest. The simple premise — that you’re hurling your knives with the goal of not just hitting the target, but also nailing the bullseye — is one that I’ve seen my fellow gamers both coo at for its straightforwardness and shake their heads at when they miss by a single pixel. The struggle, as many have observed, is real; so, too, is the addictive quality of taking ’just one more shot’ at it.

The trick, I discovered, is to channel your inner knife-throwing maestro, factoring in timing and movement. It’s a balance that can keep me, and others, glued to the screen, trying to eek a little beyond our last high score. Not that it breaks new ground, but Knife Shooter sharpens your aim and patience.

If you relish these types of aiming games and want to play something similar, you can also try to Apple Shooter and see if you are a good marksman as well. Both games take steady hands and nerves of steel!

Review 255 - Knife Shooter