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The image features a 3D Mahjong game titled Mahjongg Dark Dimensions, showcasing a glowing cube decorated with various Mahjong tiles and a digital timer on a dark, abstract background
The image features a 3D Mahjong game titled Mahjongg Dark Dimensions, showcasing a glowing cube decorated with various Mahjong tiles and a digital timer on a dark, abstract background

Mahjongg Dark Dimensions

The image features a 3D Mahjong game titled Mahjongg Dark Dimensions, showcasing a glowing cube decorated with various Mahjong tiles and a digital timer on a dark, abstract background

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About Mahjongg Dark Dimensions

3D mahjong with new features and puzzles!

A variant of the Mahjongg Dimensions game, with special bonus tiles. Combine 2 of the same stones to remove them from the board. Stones need to have at least 2 free (adjacent) sides. Combine 2 bonus tiles for extra time.

Game Publisher: GameDistribution

Ratings and Reviews

James D
James D


Challenging Puzzle with a Timely Twist

I like to think of it as just like my morning coffee, the ritual I cannot afford to skip — just rolled up my sleeves to another round of Mahjongg Dark Dimensions, and over Microsoft to be precise! The special bonus tiles? It’s a bit like getting an extra shot of espresso — a nice pick-me-up! The clock is always ticking, like my race against the dying battery of my phone. Okay, some people complained about sudden ads, and others discussed scores in nomenclature as if they were exchanging fishing stories. Me? Here I am humming ‘beat the clock’ and topping up my maths question table for my next tile lineup, trying to smash my personal best. Yes, I found myself fist-pumping a slick move — it’s that kind of engrossing! If you want to keep your juices flowing with a similar brain-teaser, find Jewelish, it is a real gem!

Discussion Forum

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

158,575 this was a really difficult one hand is cramping up angry

Susanplays1 Susanplays1


dartingray dartingray

50830! Getting better x

dartingray dartingray

49880! Trying again xx

4vrCute 4vrCute

Woo Hoo! 37,355 this time! rocks

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

111,390 I wish Play123 had game developers that would create a Leaderboard for this game.

4vrCute 4vrCute

21,217 today! cool

4vrCute 4vrCute

I guess since the score isn't calculated & saved any longer it really doesn't matter what my score is in the end. I want to enjoy this game, so I'll just ignore the score & find the matches. Congrats though on mastering this game ... worship

4vrCute 4vrCute

Thanks for the tips Susan. Course when I played it without regard to the time cubes I got a lower score (18,365) as I ended up with less time to play the game. They also added the arrows that must be moved with the mouse rather than the arrows on the keyboard so that too takes up more time.

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

p.s. I don't know how many rounds I play because if the game lists the round number I haven't seen it. The time cubes add up with each other if you have time left before the next round.

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

4vrCute, my time today when the game ended was 7:13 and the score was 129,950. I never go after the time cubes 1st..I just work my way thru the matching pairs and when 2 time cubes are open then I get them. When you match all the pairs the time cubes are more assessable. I don't worry about them. Try just going after the regular cube pairs 1st and "harvest" any time cubes that are near them. Works for me anyway. Good luck hun heart

4vrCute 4vrCute

This time I caught the cubes quickly & had earned 1:55 before I reached the 3 round but I did lose some time finding them, I noticed I had 2:15 on the clock when I began the third round. I don't know, w/the time so quick, this game has become stressful, not relaxing as it was sad

4vrCute 4vrCute

How is it you had 8:13 remaining? Each time cube pair is like 1:50max if you're super quick & find the matches right next to them before any other the others, the most you'd get is 4:50 plus the initial 2:00 so the most you could earn would be 6:50 & that would be playing perfect, which I am not. I always get hung up on the rectangular one.

4vrCute 4vrCute

Susan how many rounds do you play to receive such a high score?

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

127,350 time: 8:13 remaining. @dartingray sounds like there were no time cubes in the 1st level layout you got, so no chance to increase your time. sad Just a guess though.

dartingray dartingray

The first time I played this I had a lot of time and I covered many layouts. Today I'm only given 2 minutes?? What's going on??

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

8:37 140,300 Play123 Techs please add a Leader Board back too this game.

4vrCute 4vrCute

Thanks for the tip Susan, I used the arrow keys to move the stack around & it helped me to find matches quicker, then I was able to add 2 minutes more to the timer so this time I got 28, 325. yes Yet I had difficulty finding a match on the rectangular shape, the time was ticking down & I couldn't find one. I wish they had a hint button. ohmy I used to play Midas Mahjong too & lots of other Mahjongg games over the past 10 years as well.

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

Today's game went for 9:02 minutes and my score was 124.350

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

p.s. I think its' helped me to identify matches quickly because I played Midas Mahjong daily for over 10 years over on Royal Games/King.

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

Really no strategy at all...I just keep playing until the time runs out...I use my arrow keys to turn the cube around alot towards the end. The differance in the time we each get doesn't sound fair at all. I wonder what's up with that. no

4vrCute 4vrCute

I just got 26,775 which is a great score for me & yes Susan, I only get 2 minutes to start the game. Thankfully the time is no longer stolen by a commercial. I try to add time by finding the cubes by the counter cubes as soon as possible so I can play longer, yet I'm not always successful. How is it you get 12 minutes? I've never had that long. I would LOVE to get 136k, maybe you can share your strategy ... unsure

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

I don't get it 4vrcute why do you only get 2 minutes to play? I get 12 minutes. I scored a little over 136,000 today and I think that may be a high score for me. No way to tell now though. I preferred the German board as well

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

Where did the Leaderboard go???!!! no wierd

4vrCute 4vrCute

Thank you management for @ least fixing the stolen commercial time, now I get my allotted full 2 minutes. smile I'm a slow player & I'll never get 79.050 linfitlady. I don't understand why many games are losing their leader boards, this is the second one I've found ... Why does a 'copyright issue' effect a leaderboard? crying Having it gave me a score to strive toward. unsure

Danfromfr Danfromfr

Where is the leader board? While is nice to have the instructions in English, I would prefer to have the old German version back if the game was going to be gutted.

4vrCute 4vrCute

Also the game starts & the commercial STEALS that very little time now allotted! The commercial should run BEFORE the game begins! I'm so sad. This game was so fun the way it used to be. Why did they change it? sweat faceplant no

4vrCute 4vrCute

Ohhh, they changed the game ... they removed the scores and reduced the time limit from 7:55 to 2 minutes. So while before I got like 69k as a score now its 23,315 & didn't get to the higher boards. Booo ... I preferred it before. So the previous version was in German & now its in English. I preferred the German version. sweat


Number of votes: 16