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About Mini Golf Master
Joyful minigolf game
Enjoy various minigolf courses full of obstacles and animated by simulated physics. Reach the par or an even better outcome to unlock another levels, difficulty settings and controls. Each difficulty brings its own control scheme. Can you play everything under the par?
Game Publisher: GameDistribution
Ratings and Reviews
Swing into Fun with Mini Golf Adventure
Pros: Mini Golf Master is a pleasant mini-golf visit in your browser. A creative collection of classes that is perfectly encoded challenges to win over and over again, just like visiting a candy shop! The graphics lend a dollop of charm, so each hole is a work of mini-golf art. Shot physics is spot on, so your shots are (mostly) your fault and not the game’s. Plus, new levels unlock to give your play sessions a sprinkle of excitement and satisfaction. Cons: As playful as the smile inducing moments are, certain levels may have you pulling your hair out. There’s a fine line between challenging and “am I even playing this right?” The controls opt and swap like a chameleon swapping colors, based on the difficulty, and this can be something of a kerfuffle when you're used to a certain manner. And I mean, the difficulty curve is as steep as my morning coffee addiction. All in all, a smashing way to bring a little pizzazz to your break. Just try to stay calm and, hey, you can at least not lose any actual golf balls!”
Discussion Forum
a challenging and enjoyable mini-golf game with great course designs
Hi Everyone im new Add Me
trop de pubs sur ce jeu !!! on ne peut pas se concentrer pour jouer
dommage car il est super bien fait
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