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A motorcyclist performs a wheelie on a wooden bridge under a glowing MOTO MANIAC 2 sign, set against a dark, atmospheric background
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Moto Maniac 2

Overcome all the obstacles as fast as you can

This game is a sequel to Moto Maniac set in a different environment. This time it's a bridge in the night. It's under construction so you have to be careful not to fall into the abyss and not to hit your head. On top of the obstacles on the way, it's dark! Fortunately you have a drone that will light your way.

Game Publisher: GamePix

Ratings and Reviews

Maria G
Maria G


Navigating the Night on Two Wheels with Moto Maniac 2


Being a fan of dirt bikes and nighttime adventuring, Moto Maniac 2 provided a delightful blend of risk and reward. Running over other obstacles as quickly as you can on a bridge enveloped in darkness does challenge your reflexes, however. We could even say that lighting the way with drones brings a fresh comic note to our racing lives.

It’s like a high-stakes balancing act — with the pressure of trying not to fall into a pit of nothingness, which does wonders for your adrenaline. It’s not without its quirks—some players pointed out that after level 8, progression can feel more fugitive than a pot of gold in the dark. But the thrill of sticking daredevil jumps and spinning acrobatics against a nighttime sky is a bizarre pleasure that kept pulling me back for more. Some cryptically enthused that they were onto something exciting; other signaled they had crashed a few too many times.

Still, Moto Maniac 2 is not a smooth but unique invigorating ride.

Discussion Forum

Ashley Luces Ashley Luces

gnda na bala


Number of votes: 3