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A colorful, animated game scene featuring green phone cases with bunny ears and playful decorations being moved along a stylized pathway
A colorful, animated game scene featuring green phone cases with bunny ears and playful decorations being moved along a stylized pathway

Phone Case DIY Run

A colorful, animated game scene featuring green phone cases with bunny ears and playful decorations being moved along a stylized pathway

This game can be installed to your desktop for easy access

Recently Played full screen mode
About Phone Case DIY Run

Phone Case DIY Run is a very fun simulation game

What type of phone case do you have now? If you are interested in making a phone case, then come and join us to learn about the process! Collect the models, choose your favorite color for painting, then paste the picture and choose the pendant. Finally, the more phone cases you collect when you reach the end, the more money you get.

Game Publisher: GameDistribution