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Poopieman Voodoo
Are you ready for this soft but serious fun?
Doodieman Voodoo is a fun revenge game, where you can cover the person of your choice in poop. Sounds fun, right? Are you really mad at someone? Name that voodoo doll after the person of your anger and start bullying it in another game by the Doodieman Wrecking series. All you have to do in this weird but funny game is to click on the numbers 1 - 10 to fulfill the Doodiemann Voodoo spell. Simply enter the name of the person you wish Doodieman to poop on. The only weapon in this ridiculous game is whatever comes out of the Voodooman's butt. And guess what: it is brown and disgusting. But perfect for making your secret enemy suffer and seeing him in embarrassing disgust. But be aware, you need low inhibition yourself to handle this much poop.
Game Publisher: GameDistribution
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