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A graphic representation of a card layout with various playing cards displayed in a cross-like arrangement on a green background
A graphic representation of a card layout with various playing cards displayed in a cross-like arrangement on a green background

Pyramid Mahjong Solitaire

A graphic representation of a card layout with various playing cards displayed in a cross-like arrangement on a green background

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About Pyramid Mahjong Solitaire

Pyramid Solitaire game with Mahjong tiles!

Combine 2 free tiles to gain a total value of 13. A tile is free if it's not covered and has at least 1 free side (left or right). The King is worth 13 and can be removed on its own, the Queen is worth 12 points, the Jack 11 points, and the Ace is worth 1 point. Remove all tiles to advance to the next level.

Click on end game/submit score to add your score to the leaderboard.

The Pyramid Mahjong Solitaire game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

Game Publisher: Zygomatic

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Discussion Forum

bradley61 bradley61

just does not work thumbdown thumbdown

Kyler Kyler

too predictable and lacks depth, quickly becomes tedious

Delaney Delaney

overly simplistic and lacks challenge

Donald Donald

Challenging and beautifully designed, a great brain teaser


Number of votes: 7