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A cheerful animated character named Sara gives a thumbs up next to a delicious chocolate upside-down cake in a colorful kitchen setting, with Saras Cooking Class displayed prominently above
A cheerful animated character named Sara gives a thumbs up next to a delicious chocolate upside-down cake in a colorful kitchen setting, with Saras Cooking Class displayed prominently above

Sara's Cooking Class: Cherry Upside Down Cake

A cheerful animated character named Sara gives a thumbs up next to a delicious chocolate upside-down cake in a colorful kitchen setting, with Saras Cooking Class displayed prominently above

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About Sara's Cooking Class: Cherry Upside Down Cake

Join Sara in her kitchen while she helps you make this delicious dessert

Today Sara is making Cherry Upside Down cake! You know what to do - find the ingredients and utensils you need before helping Sara bake the delicious cherry cake. All you need is a finger to tap with and you’ll be a pro chef in no time at all!

Game Publisher: GameDistribution

More Games Like This

Sara's Cooking Class: Cherry Upside Down Cake is a blast, especially when you're tapping away to find ingredients. If you're into baking, check out Sara's Cooking Class: Caramel Nut Brownie for more sweet fun. I also loved Ice Cream Sandwich Cake... it's a treat to design! For a broader selection, the Cake Games category is a must-visit. Happy baking!


Number of votes: 4