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A close-up view of a Scrabble game board with the word SCRABBLE formed using letter tiles, surrounded by various scoring squares marked in blue and pink
A close-up view of a Scrabble game board with the word SCRABBLE formed using letter tiles, surrounded by various scoring squares marked in blue and pink


A close-up view of a Scrabble game board with the word SCRABBLE formed using letter tiles, surrounded by various scoring squares marked in blue and pink

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About Scrabble

Form words, score with tiles

Scrabble is a word game in which two to four players score points by placing tiles, each bearing a single letter, onto a game board divided into a 15Ă—15 grid of squares. The tiles must form words that, in crossword fashion, read left to right in rows or downward in columns and be included in a standard dictionary or lexicon.

The Scrabble game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

More Games Like This

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Ratings and Reviews

Kenji T
Kenji T


A Quirky Twist on Classic Scrabble

Takes out cards with Scrabble words, bristles like it's a pot of tossed letters! In the online play that I’ve seen, the players have a sort of love-hate relationship with the tile system — sometimes you’re getting lucky, and sometimes it’s a jumble that tests your sanity brain. Some rounds, you’re a wordsmith, and others, it’s just letter Tetris gone wrong. Though the two-letter words can be a nifty strategy, teaching the system who’s boss! And if you happen to land the elusive 7-letter word, well, you hit the linguist's jackpot.

Discussion Forum

bradley61 bradley61

strange words in this scrabble thumbdown thumbdown thumbdown

biscuit biscuit

Although I play this game I would not recommend it, If you pass to many times you will not win the game, which is frustrating, I play this game because there are no adverts,I do not understand why it cant be a normal game of monopoly

biscuit biscuit
biscuit biscuit

I just do not understand why this game adds a letter to the board at random,

biscuit biscuit

to the author.... Why does this game not accept some words that are in the dictionary, are you making up words?

biscuit biscuit

I just watched it take a tile from me and replaced it with another

biscuit biscuit

So now it is accepting German words IE. DIEB

biscuit biscuit

If you look just above where it says player, there is sometimes a letter there,I think it is to stop you completing the game

biscuit biscuit

The problem I find on this game it will add a letter to the board to make a word when its not its go,also you know you cant go with your last letter the game will not end,

biscuit biscuit

I have noticed that sometimes a letter just appears on the board from the computer

koivuranta koivuranta

hi , where is cfcfc ?

koivuranta koivuranta

or word JUNE ?

SaintKazza SaintKazza

The random tile bug is annoying, the tile ends up in the top right corner and unless you can clear all your tiles you can't win. The computer never concedes after a random tile. Re the comment about 2 letter words, I use lots to work down to the corners and it causes the computer to 'pass' so you can get a bigger score.

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

The game makes up words that don't exist.

Blue-eyes Blue-eyes

One last letter and can't place it, although we know it fits somewhere, but where and then have a score of 666 ugh! smile

Brigitte69 Brigitte69

dommage qu'on ne puisse pas y jouer si on ne connait pas l'anglais !!! surrender

Susanplays1 Susanplays1

Bitkin, I have the same problem with the game. I wish there was a way we could manually save it to the score board. pfft

Bitkin Bitkin

It's so annoying when one gets a good score and it won't save it. How do you make it do that - it seems to be random.

Mimosa Mimosa

This Scrabble is almost the same as on RG. One of my favourites they took away


Number of votes: 21