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A retro-style Snake game screenshot featuring a long green snake made of square segments navigating towards a red square on a black background
A retro-style Snake game screenshot featuring a long green snake made of square segments navigating towards a red square on a black background


A retro-style Snake game screenshot featuring a long green snake made of square segments navigating towards a red square on a black background

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Snake Game - A Legendary Game Captivating New Generations

Snake is a simple game that took the world by storm with the iconic Nokia 6110. Since the game is straightforward, always different, and solely depends on the player's focus, it poses a new challenge every time.

How to Play Snake Game?

The Snake game’s goal is to form the longest snake possible by feeding it. You will use arrow keys (left, right, up, down) to direct it. When the game starts, a green dot that represents your snake will be situated in the middle of the field where you will have to collect some red dots considered as food. By leading the snake towards them you should make sure it eats as many red dots as it can before eventually filling up the whole area with itself. The aim is very straightforward since all you need do is make the snake lengthiest.


A typical single-player game, where both the head and tail move, and every consumed object elongates the snake.

The name Snake game conceals 5 principles of play:

  • S - Strategy of play depends on the length of the snake, as it dictates where and how you can move on the playing field; the longer the snake, the more challenging it becomes
  • N - Navigational accuracy can save you from complications you won't be able to solve. It will depend on your speed, reaction, and planning of movement
  • A - Action and tension during gameplay won't subside, thus attention and quick responsiveness are crucial
  • K - Kiting (term used in gaming where one character is maneuvered around to make space) can be a useful technique. It is a way to shape your snake that can create more room on the playfield (but beware: always leave enough room to exit the shaped area)
  • E - Each unit of food, which extends your snake, gives you 4 points each time

Sssss - watch out not to bite yourself!

There are two very simple and clear rules governing the Snake Game. When you are feeding your snake, always ensure it does not run into you in its own style, as well as make sure that it doesn't bite itself with its own mouth (so to speak) while you're at it. Your snake's field will become increasingly congested with your snake growing longer meaning that there’ll be less space left for movement and consequently making the snake be its own worst enemy becomes more challenging too! You’ll also lose if your snake collides with walls on either side of the game area so try staying within close enough distance from central part.

Snake uses numerous versions, but the main purpose of any is always unchanged

No matter the version, the Snake game is always about feeding and survival of your snake. A more popular version of the Snake game is, which was created in 2016 and in which you compete in real time with other players, as well as Google Snake. On our portal, you can also find other Snake games, for example Snake IO War, in which you also play with other players, and the game Snake vs Blocks, in which you face additional challenges with blocks that you need to break depending on the length of your snake.

3 tips for successful gameplay:

Tip #1: What kind of snake direction is safest?

It is advisable that you shift from a predictable move to a zigzag pattern so as to avoid hitting the boundary of the game with a snake or meeting at itself. It is simple way for controlling the speed at which the snake moves without constricting yourself within a small area in the board.

Tip #2: When should you move the snake along the edge of the game field?

In the beginning, the snake is smaller, which makes it easier for you to move within the middle of the board, but the longer it becomes, my advise is to avoid centering targets in order to go round the edges instead. Doing so will leave more blank areas on the game field’s central part, hence making it possible for you to move more strategically.

Tip #3: How to anticipate the next moves?

The appearance of the food, with which we can elongate the snake on the gaming path, is uncertain as it may come from any direction. In spite of this uncertainty, we may adjust the motion in such a manner that there will be no portion of the snake’s body stretching from one end of the playing grid to the other. This will enable you access it sooner because of the available vast area wherever it appears on the grid.

FAQ Snake

When was the Snake game created?

The Snake Game evolved from the monochrome arcade video game Blockade, developed by Gremlin Industries in November 1976. [source]

What accolades has the Snake game received?

As early as 1996, the video game magazine Next Generation placed the Snake game in the 41st place in the “Top 100 games of all time” list. The Nokia version of the Snake game was taken into account for the possible addition to the museum’s collection by the New York Museum of Modern Art in 2012.

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tintin tintin

got here from Reddit, can't beat 333 at the moment though


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