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A colorful, cartoon-style character with a white square head and a red body running with a spear, set against a bright blue sky and green landscape, with the words SPEAR TOSS prominently displayed at the top
A colorful, cartoon-style character with a white square head and a red body running with a spear, set against a bright blue sky and green landscape, with the words SPEAR TOSS prominently displayed at the top

Spear Toss

A colorful, cartoon-style character with a white square head and a red body running with a spear, set against a bright blue sky and green landscape, with the words SPEAR TOSS prominently displayed at the top

This game can be installed to your desktop for easy access

Recently Played full screen mode
About Spear Toss

How far can you throw a spear?

Make 3 perfect throws, improve your skills, beat your friends, and set the world record in Spear Toss!

The Spear Toss game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

Game Publisher: GamePix

Discussion Forum

4vrCute 4vrCute

I love the Discover dog commercial! cool


Number of votes: 3