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A visually appealing blue background featuring the title Spider Solitaire with playing cards displaying ranks and a spider graphic, emphasizing the card game theme
A visually appealing blue background featuring the title Spider Solitaire with playing cards displaying ranks and a spider graphic, emphasizing the card game theme

Spider Solitaire Blue

A visually appealing blue background featuring the title Spider Solitaire with playing cards displaying ranks and a spider graphic, emphasizing the card game theme

This game can be installed to your desktop for easy access

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About Spider Solitaire Blue

Enjoy this card game masterpiece!

Spider Solitaire Blue brings one of the most popular styles of Solitaire to the palm of your hand. Featuring the 3 classic gameplay modes: one-suit, two-suits, and four-suits, Spider Solitaire guarantees fun and brain-teasing for hours to come. Combined with the highly polished graphics that Softgames Solitaire Games are known for, this is a must-play for all Solitaire players in 2022.

Game Publisher: GameDistribution

Discussion Forum

Delaney Delaney

a great twist on a classic smile


Score of 1570

4vrCute 4vrCute

1680 - unique version of Spider Solitaire. smile


Number of votes: 3