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A cute, blocky character with a yellow shirt and dark hair styled in pigtails, set against a blue burst background
A cute, blocky character with a yellow shirt and dark hair styled in pigtails, set against a blue burst background

Squid Craft Online

A cute, blocky character with a yellow shirt and dark hair styled in pigtails, set against a blue burst background

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Recently Played full screen mode
About Squid Craft Online

How do you know about Squid Game, which is a famous film recently?

Squid Craft Online is a Grandmother's Footsteps simulation arcade game with 3D characters. You need to care about the speaking from the robot girl. When she is speaking, you are able to run forward safely. But when she stops talking, you need to stay where you are immediately or forwards. Or else, you will be shot and weeded out directly. I hope you will always complete the game in five different worlds on time!

Game Publisher: GameDistribution