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The image features two racing cars, one white and one red, captured in a dynamic pose on a racetrack, with the text STOCKCAR HERO prominently displayed
The image features two racing cars, one white and one red, captured in a dynamic pose on a racetrack, with the text STOCKCAR HERO prominently displayed

Stock Car Hero

The image features two racing cars, one white and one red, captured in a dynamic pose on a racetrack, with the text STOCKCAR HERO prominently displayed

This game can be installed to your desktop for easy access

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About Stock Car Hero

Compete across North America as you race in the Stock Car Series

Stock Car Hero is a sports game where you're a car racer and your goal is to reach the finish line before your opponents. Start your career as an underdog and slowly become the best driver you can be: Pick up the gold coins to spend them on cool upgrades later on. Don't forget to drive over golden arrows for a temporary speed boost! Is your need for speed insatiable? Then you'll love Stock Car Hero.

The Stock Car Hero game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

Game Publisher: GamePix


Number of votes: 8