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The image features cartoon-style zombies with exaggerated features, a chainsaw-wielding character, and the title Stupid Zombies 2 prominently displayed, set against an urban background
The image features cartoon-style zombies with exaggerated features, a chainsaw-wielding character, and the title Stupid Zombies 2 prominently displayed, set against an urban background

Stupid Zombies 2

The image features cartoon-style zombies with exaggerated features, a chainsaw-wielding character, and the title Stupid Zombies 2 prominently displayed, set against an urban background

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About Stupid Zombies 2

What's a good zombie story without an epic sequel?

The undead return in this new, jam-packed release with exciting, brainless creatures, weapons, puzzles, moody environments all wrapped up in a slick, player-friendly package. They say you can’t kill what is already dead, but it can’t hurt to make a splash by shooting in their general direction. It is just you vs zombies, so make sure to stop the endless angry hordes before you run out of bullets.

Game Publisher: GameMonetize

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