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The image features the word TETRIX in bold black pixelated letters alongside a colorful arrangement of geometric block shapes in different colors, resembling a Tetris-like design
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Are you hooked to the most played game ever?

Did you enjoy playing Tetris on your Nintendo Gameboy 20 years ago? Than this online HTML5 game is for you! Tetrix has all the elements of a good block mover game, this time you can also play it on your mobile phone and tablet. Do you still have what it takes to score 4 lines in one go? TETRIXXXXX!

Game Publisher: Wanted 5 Games

Ratings and Reviews



A Nostalgic Spin on a Classic with Tetrix


Right from the jump in Tetrix, I was washed over with nostalgia — it walks that line between clearly targeting retro Tetris fans, who likely played the game on their mammoth-sized GameBoys. The prospect of experiencing those moments all over again on modern devices is tempting. And its streamlined, HTML5 design has turned Tetrix to a casual distraction on phones and tablets, for those of us just trying to burn time.

The pace, though, may test your patience more than your quick-thinking prowess; it’s slow to start, a touch too mellow for veterans searching for a challenge. Beginners may welcome the gentle approach, but it’s nowhere near the edge-of-chaos thrill that the best of Tetris can provide. There’s no instant drop button or enhanced settings here – this is block-dropping in its rawest, and for many that simplicity is welcome.

The blocks advance with all the urgency of a lazy river, which may well allow you to plot your strategy down to the granular level, but probably won’t provide the rush of adrenaline you’re seeking. The reaction to Tetrix, however, is mixed -- players who describe it as 'cool' and 'awesome' sound very much at odds with those who consider the omission of advanced features a dealbreaker.

As for myself, I thought it was a nice slow stroll down memory lane. And come on, who doesn’t want to yell TETRIXXXX when they nail that perfect Tetris? Just remember that in Tetrix, patience is not a virtue; it’s a must.

Review 283 - Tetrix

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