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An animated scene of a person fishing in a small boat amidst a colorful landscape featuring trees, a sunset gradient sky, and small fish swimming in the water, with the text Tiny Fishing prominently displayed
An animated scene of a person fishing in a small boat amidst a colorful landscape featuring trees, a sunset gradient sky, and small fish swimming in the water, with the text Tiny Fishing prominently displayed

Tiny Fishing

An animated scene of a person fishing in a small boat amidst a colorful landscape featuring trees, a sunset gradient sky, and small fish swimming in the water, with the text Tiny Fishing prominently displayed

This game can be installed to your desktop for easy access

Recently Played full screen mode
About Tiny Fishing

Can you catch the biggest fish?

Click the spinner to set your casting distance. Then click and drag to slide the hook left and right and catch some fish. When your line reaches the surface you'll earn cash for all the fish you caught! Spend it between casts to upgrade your skills and get new hooks. TIP: You keep earning cash even after you leave the game!

Game Publisher: GameDistribution

More Games Like This

Tiny Fishing got me hooked with its simple yet addictive gameplay. I spent hours trying to catch bigger fish and upgrading my gear. For more aquatic fun check out Fishing 3 where you solve underwater puzzles or try Fishing Frenzy for a fast-paced challenge collecting watches and catching fish. The whole Fishing Games collection is perfect when you want to relax and catch some virtual fish.

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Discussion Forum

tintin tintin

this game is very popular at the moment I saw it on MSN too


Number of votes: 12