Wobble Boss!
Wobble Boss is a fun game where the player has to escape from the office!
When all you can do is wobble your options are very limited by the main character of Wobble Boss, who didn't let that stop him. Despite all the wobbling that held him back all his life, he still managed to climb to the top of his company and secure a powerful position. However, his security is starting to falter as he becomes a prisoner in his building. Now he must escape and work against his wobbling to make it safely out. It's time for him to wobble like he has never wobbled before, but without falling over.
Game Publisher: GamePix
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Wobble Boss has me hooked with its quirky office escape theme. For more action-packed challenges check out Jump the Wall where your reflexes get put to the test. I had a blast trying to master the timing in both games... Speaking of escaping tricky situations escape room fans will find plenty more brain-teasers to tackle. The physics-based puzzling in Cup and Ball gives me those same satisfying moments when everything clicks into place.
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Ratings and Reviews
Quirky and Challenging Office Escape - Wobble Boss Review
Community chatter implies that breaking characters adds another layer of intrigue to each gameplay, and I’ve literally strategized different escapes with each new persona. One highlight for me has been figuring out how to outsmart the ever-smartening enemy, something that has caused me to rethink my strategy with every level. Just when I thought I had everything all planned out, a new curveball would send me scrambling to come up with a plan B.
The highlight here is the fine balance Wobble Boss strikes between doodled-on-paper visuals and genuinely challenging gameplay. Some fellow players have complained of hiccups involving occasionally uncooperative controls, but those complaints have been few and far between.
If you like puzzle and stealth, I suggest you try Wobble Boss. For more stealth-action, maybe Sneaky James is also something that would work for you.
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