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The image features the letters W O W arranged in a playful layout, with a hand pointing towards the central O, all set against a snowy background
The image features the letters W O W arranged in a playful layout, with a hand pointing towards the central O, all set against a snowy background

Words of Wonders - WOW

The image features the letters W O W arranged in a playful layout, with a hand pointing towards the central O, all set against a snowy background

This game can be installed to your desktop for easy access

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About Words of Wonders - WOW

This word game will amaze you!

Interested in playing Words of Wonders directly through a web browser without downloading? Words of Wonders is an online crossword puzzle game that will test your vocabulary as you discover the wonders of the world. Start your journey with the first wonder and climb your way up to the top. Each level has a unique set of letters to connect and create words. The game is developed by Famobi and is available to play on any web browser or mobile device. Enjoy a fun and educational experience with Words of Wonders! Play WOW!

Languages that are Available: Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian

If you liked Words of Wonders, try Words123 and Text Twist 2.

Game Publisher: Famobi

More Games Like This

Words of Wonders is a blast, but if you're looking for more word fun, check out Amazing Word Twist game. It's perfect for testing your vocabulary with friends. Another great pick is Word Holiday, where you can enjoy spelling challenges. For a classic twist, try Text Twist 2. Don't miss the Educational Games category for more brain-boosting fun!

Gameplay Video

Ratings and Reviews

Maria G
Maria G


Honest Insight After World-Wide Wordplay

As I’ve been in search of an entertaining hobby, I found Words of Wonders (WOW) and let me tell you that it has been a wordy trip! But Famobi’s making of an online crossword puzzle game is no ordinary word jumble: It’s an educational journey around the wonders of our planet. Politically, I have to confess I like the idea of starting simple and making each challenge tougher as you visit each wonder.

Having said that, some players who play at level 689 appear to hit a wall not sure if it's the end or just a bug, talk about a guided tour!

And while unregistered cats in the game can lose their higher scores, the active users like I had the absolute pleasure of enjoying the levelling up, with the visuals changing up long enough — it was a little exhale of fresh air to the cerebral workout. Although there are complaints about ads throughout the player base, it’s a small price (or should I say viewing) to pay for a free mental workout. But yes, if you’re an ad-skipping ninja, it may be a wee less zen. And disclaimer: if you’re a fan of hardcore, climb-the-Sherpa-with-ankle-weights-style difficulty, you might find WOW more of an uphill stroll.

All things considered, I’d give Words of Wonders a strong 4.6 out of 5. I’ve wracked my brain, yanked my thesaurus and witnessed marvels from the comforting confines of my couch. Now, if only I could accumulate frequent flyer miles for every word found! Check out a WOW gameplay on Tiktok.
Review 9 - Words of Wonders - WOW

Discussion Forum



janeyd500825 janeyd500825


Naturist Guy Naturist Guy

I have lost my points several times. Again rverted back to level 1

GirafeLady27 GirafeLady27

I had downloaded this game to my cellphone; but, didn't keep it very long because, after a while, it got boring. Tonite, I noticed I had a few Notifications, and playing this game was one of them; so, I decided to play and got to the point ITS just as boring as the prior; PLUS, scores aren't kept!!

dartingray dartingray

I got to level 154 and next day I'm back to level 1!! Most frustrating. I will not play this game again.

mésange56 mésange56

Bonjour ,ce jeu est très bien je vous remercie dry

Serene Serene

This is a good game. Keeps you thinking!! Will be back to play more. Thank you !

mésange56 mésange56

Arrivée au niveau 689 ,on recommence à zéro avec d'autres photos. bons jeux à vous. smile

Mia-62 Mia-62

nu har jag kommit till level 689 men nu slipper jag inte längre vet inte om det är sista nivån att spelet tar slut där?

Littlesparrow2 Littlesparrow2

Niveau 50 ! Je vais faire reposer mes méninges même si elles n'ont guère été sollicitées. Je me demande si mon score est enregistré ou si la prochaine fois il faudra que je reparte de zéro ! Suspense !!!!! lol

mésange56 mésange56

Arrivée au niveau 689 c'est dommage le jeu c'est coincé mais j'ai bien aimé ce jeu merci au site smile

mésange56 mésange56

Je continue mon chemin 542 toujours aussi bien ce jeu, merci Ă  vous. big-smilie

mésange56 mésange56

Je suis au niveau 296 je me régale toujours autant.) en plus les photos changent. heart

Mia-62 Mia-62

Jättekul spel!! smile

AngusB AngusB

This seems designed to show you as many advertisements as possible. It's not really a game as such but rather a vehicle for getting ad views. The game component is secondary and doesn't get any harder. Doesn't seem to be a score.

helenhoop2 helenhoop2

Got a headache. As far a level 35, but want a break. Will my score carry on the next time I play.... stay tuned.

mésange56 mésange56

Pas mal ce jeu il faut bien réfléchir merci. smile


Number of votes: 71