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The image shows a Wordle-like game titled WORDS123, featuring a grid with five-letter word guesses, colored indicators for correct letters (green and yellow) and incorrect letters (gray)
The image shows a Wordle-like game titled WORDS123, featuring a grid with five-letter word guesses, colored indicators for correct letters (green and yellow) and incorrect letters (gray)


The image shows a Wordle-like game titled WORDS123, featuring a grid with five-letter word guesses, colored indicators for correct letters (green and yellow) and incorrect letters (gray)

This game can be installed to your desktop for easy access

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About Words123

Find a word in this addictive game

Enjoy an addictive game that has half the internet hooked and discover what generates so much interest to have become the first viral game of 2022! Immerse yourself in a word guessing game, with a crossword format and really simple mechanics. Write random 5-letter words on the board and pay attention to the letters that will appear marked in gray, green, or yellow. See how you can play it here.

If you delete cookies and cache on your computer, the game will begin from the start.

The Words123 game on Play123 has a leaderboard for saving scores.

More Games Like This

Words123 is a blast, isn't it? If you're into word games, you might also like Text Twist 2 where you can twist letters into words under a time limit. For a more relaxed pace, check out Word Search and find hidden words in a grid. And don't miss the Educational Games category for more brain-boosting fun. Happy gaming!

Ratings and Reviews

Akash Sharma
Akash Sharma


Word Game Enthusiasts, Get Ready to be Challenged!

It’s a wellspring of hard to break habits.

Entering Words123 you are engulfed by a wash of pleasant mind bending entertainment. It’s a sort of verbal Sudoku in which you must produce 5-letter words and interpret clues in uniquely colored shades of gray, green and yellow. In the comments below there were suggesting that having rating resets on differing gadgets has partially caused an issue, but there are others who just storm through the levels at full tilt. Custom-built for players who consider themselves worthy of heavier mental challenges than other letter- (or word-) based games – this is a riot and often painfully slow climb through chains of letters!

It’s a simple yet complicated design that goes directly against the old adage ‘easy come, easy go’.

Discussion Forum

mésange56 mésange56

Meilleurs vƓux 2025 Ă  toues les personnes dans ces jeux ainsi qu'Ă  l'Ă©quipe de Play123. tongue

Francois Larose Francois Larose

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Francois Larose Francois Larose

Once again, it's not updating my score!!!

Francois Larose Francois Larose

The game is not updating my score!!!

Cobwebs Cobwebs

Is it me, or has this game ceased to be playable?

mésange56 mésange56

Bonjour Ă  tous, venez jouer Ă  Klondike, jeu de patiente formidable que j'aime beaucoup. Merci. tongue

mésange56 mésange56

Bonjour ,venez jouer Ă  frondine klondike jeu de patience formidable que j'aime beaucoup. heart

Serene Serene

Not even registering the score. Two days now. No changes on my end.

jamb63 jamb63

On August 20th the Administrator wrote:
"We changed the domain name and that is why some of you are experiencing the problems with scores. We are very sorry for that, but we also promise that this is the final change"
--- so much for it being the final change! I saw that so many of you were back at a score of one, but knew something was up as soon as the "instruction" popup came up like I'm new to this game. I guess I'll be reset as soon as I play today as well.

Francois Larose Francois Larose

I'm back at zero again! Who are the morons who run this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wholelottarosy Wholelottarosy

This is SO annoying. I've not cleared cookies my end so what have they done!!!

Francois Larose Francois Larose

OMG! It just reset my score at zero again!!!!

mésange56 mésange56

C'est la premiĂšre fois que je gagne la partie en faisant deux mots ,merci beaucoup. heart

administrator administrator

We changed the domain name and that is why some of you are experiencing the problems with scores. We are very sorry for that, but we also promise that this is the final change. faceplant

Serene Serene

I am using the same lap top. Have changed nothing. Played this yesterday and today I am back to one. P F T ! 123

mésange56 mésange56

j'aime ce jeu. wink

Francois Larose Francois Larose

Has anyone ever guessed the word on the first try? I'm just curious!! I got it on the second try once, but that's it!

Francois Larose Francois Larose

Looks like it reset the scores! I feel terrible for people who had been playing for a long time! Not even an apology !

khorgan khorgan

you are right littlesparrow2, it is like master mind and i have loved that game for years!!!

Littlesparrow2 Littlesparrow2

This game works on same principle than Master Mind ! Good game ! What a pity having to wait for next day to play again sad

null681 null681

I have been playing this game for weeks now. According to the scoreboard I have only scored 2. My scores never seem to add up. What is wrong with this scoring system?

mkjain20 mkjain20

I love it that there is just 1 word each day

MrState7 MrState7

This really is a great game - but there's no reward for solving it in fewer guesses! Your first word is clearly a pure guess - but after that a nice mixture of 'guessing' and strategy come into play. Therefore 1 point whether you get the answer in 6 goes or 1 spoils it. The developers to not understand gaming or the mentality of gamers. At any point skill or strategy enter into play in any game then that must be rewarded!!

khorgan khorgan

i have stayed for quite awhile after guessing right on try #3 and i still am at 1 point, oh well. guess i will just have to play for the fun of it.

khorgan khorgan

thank you MisterSimpatik

MisterSimpatik MisterSimpatik

khorgan you have to stay for a few seconds on the game as the score is submitted after 5 seconds

khorgan khorgan

i have played 3 days and won each time but my score still says 1. i have refreshed after the round each time. how do you get more than 1 point on the leaderboard? very fun game

4vrCute 4vrCute

I think this is harder than the Wordle by the The New York Times. I usually get that one. I've also played Wordle Unlimited & that too isn't nearly as hard as this one. So if you're looking for a tough version, this is it. unsure


Number of votes: 65